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Dewi Lestari Handayani, 36 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 131.
inactive user
Hey it's been a while, I guess more than a year huh?
inactive user
Thanks for the words : ]
ya still there ?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2010
Hi!Long time no see!Finally my exams will finish on next Monday!thanks!!
your welcome!!and thank you for your recommend!i 'll check it on you tube!
Hava a good vacation!!
inactive user
Well I am kinda planning a lot of things thesedays so..
I won't be on line for a while :D
inactive user
my dad's hometown is nearby west sea of korea : )
well I am planning to get there next month, think next month would be real busy..
inactive user
long vacation??? i m so jealous!!!! ^_^
so, any plan in this vacation with friends?? or boyfriends?? just kidding >_< hahah~
inactive user
yeah u right ^_^
my day?? hahah~ good but tired with school activites.. how about u??
inactive user
my holiday? well, actually my summer class has just been finished so.. i nee some time to make a plan for my vacation
maybe i will go to the beach which is my dad's hometown :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2010
I'm very sorry for late reply, too.ㅠㅠ Long time mo seeeeee

I was very busy because of college... :D

but these days i'm happy

i'm vacation haha

how about u??
inactive user
gosh,,,, she didn't come? what a sad party....
you can just call her and say take care...
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