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Gry, 33 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 150.
inactive user
hey there
inactive user
Hi there, I just saw your profile xD I seen you like watch the movies :) I like it too xD and also, I have interested in photograph too!
Anyway, my name is Han jung min and you can call me jung min or whatever :)

How are you today?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2009
well tell me more about yourself :)
where you from in norway i've been to the very top haha so nice up there with the all day/night sun
inactive user
hi, i'm from Korea...
inactive user
Hi Gry!! How are you!?
I seen you like photography!
So do i! And I'm also looking for snail-mail friends. lol
I'm Sydni, nice to meet you!
inactive user
you're welcome!
i'm doing well, how are you?
inactive user
Ok, najs de ^^
inactive user
Good to hear.

And yes i am.
inactive user
Life is going pretty good here. Although this week it's really hot here like mid 30's I think is the correct conversion. Im just working on a paper and trying to finish it by the end of the weekend coming up to get it over with. Its for a summer class that I'm going to in Washington DC in July.

How about you?
inactive user
hey :) haha so you like sweden?
life is good..cause im on summer vacation now so thats great :D what about you?
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