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Aden Petersen, 32 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2009
Aden, who are you?
It's not like i go to school with you or anything?
inactive user
No silly a diffrent onelike what are u doing haha
inactive user
are you kidding, OF COURSE i have pokemon yellow, duh? =] haha
inactive user
have u ever been to denmark?
im sorry but the most boring country in the world
inactive user
i went to sydney melbourne and this little island called heron island, and sorry i didn't grace you with my presence haha.
And yeah its gotten alot warmer but i wish it was 29 in the winter here!
inactive user
Well at least you have fun when you dance :) I think that`s more important than what you look like when you`re dancing :)

Well, I haven`t been abroad much. I`ve been in Russia and Estonia...I`d really like to travel more...maybe someday :) Have you travelled lot?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2009
hey surfy_11
how are you today
u shithead
inactive user
Um hey

What's up really I hate

Blue cheese
inactive user
wow ur half danish.....
thats cool...
inactive user
It's swedish but translated to english would it be "the best family from upper space" Haha it's something some friends and I always said when we was really young. It's a pretty long story but we pretend to be siblings from the space.

I thought the same when I did my henna tattoo some friends did a real one at the same time but how fun can it be when you're old? Btw, why a Viking? :)

Hahaha maybe to walk into it but not that fun for me.

You'll learn fast when you're there and otherwise they speak english to:P It's almost the same as Swedish so I don't have any problems with it.
I want to go at the university in Copenhagen, I like my high school here, so many parties! haha

It's just in Northern Sweden the sun is up all day and night. Yes I've seen the northern lights a couple of times but they are much more common in northern sweden too. Yeah they're amazing!!
So any plans for tonight? I guess it should be Saturday evening there now, right? Btw, can I ask some questions? what, without fail ALWAYS makes you smile? What is the first thing you look at on a girl? What’s your favorite color?
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