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Eunjoo_choi, 34 y.o.
Ansan-si, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
haha! yes I want to raise a lot of animals too! I have a hamster, rabbit, and dog! ^^
inactive user
I'm good, school just restarted for us so not too busy yet... haha I see that you like dogs also! We just got a new puppy yesterday :P I don't know why but I always loved animals and especially dogs because their so cute and loyal. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2011
that's ok (:
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2011
ah, wow, great (:
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2011
so, i'm at work right now (:
but so boring here yet (:
and u?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2011
Hey (:
Anytime, hehe (:
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2011
thanx for visiting my profile!!
inactive user
In Russia we haven't such kind of cafe, but there is a lot of beautiful old times architecture in St. Petersburg, if you comes Russia sometime, you should visit this city:D In my own city, there is one of the best theatre in country, so i recommended to watch this too.)
inactive user
That's so cute:3
If i'll be in Korea in future, i'll visit it for sure:D
inactive user
Wow, never heard about this kind of cafe, sounds cool! I wish to see some with my own eyes)
In this cafe only dogs available or many other pets too?^)
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