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Eliza, 31 y.o.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 54.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2015
Buna, pisi. :)) Nu pot sa cred ca nu te am la friends.
inactive user
I would tell you, but I seriously have no idea! :D
inactive user
haha thank you but i am not really good at it .. >_<

well i am trying to be positive.. thank you haha
it's not that easy to live far from people i love... and the places i am used to... =)

so what do you wanna do in the future?
inactive user
oh i see
are you on holidays or something ?

well i was a college student majoring in japanese language but now i am serving in the air force.. =)
gonna discharge september next year.. =(
inactive user
it was .. not bad haha a bit tiring though
what do you do ? are u a student?
inactive user
not good not bad=) thank you for writing
what a bout u?
inactive user
I will be on a trip from 5th to 9th of July and we will be somewhere in the Mountains. Im not afraid of walking all day, because I have to stand on my foot more than 12hours per day : D. sometimes I think I dont need to jogging because I have jogging in a work xD.

And where were you : D ?
inactive user
Poland was cold too, the temperatures the same as Romanian. But actually is grow up and I think tomorrow will be hot : D. Do you have on your studies fieldworks ? For example you will go somewhere and there you will be lead measurements ?
inactive user
Im on the first year too, but I study geography. Its kinda hard and I have difficult exercises to do. And sometimes I regret that : D. But I hope it will be better : D.
Whats up in Romania : D ?
inactive user
Hi its nice to hear that people here study geography too ; D. I wanted to study territoryplanning, but I didnt know why I choose normal geography. I want to change it : D ! This is your 1st year : D ?
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