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Dóri, 33 y.o.
Warsaw, Poland [Current City]
Balatonkenese, Hungary [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
Corvinus University of Budapest


Distribution Replenishment Leader

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1429.
inactive user
No need to say thanks! :D
Get well soon! I hope you feel better now!
It was great to see my mum and half sister again; I really enjoyed my time there :D But it was too short, time went to fast and I don't want to study tomorrow again haha :<
I will reply your letter as soon as possible! I will inform you when I sent it!
I wish you good luck with your study! Take care of yourself and don't study too much while you are sick :I
inactive user
Hey Dóri :D
How are you doing ? I wanted to let you know that I got your letter today, thanks a lot! Since I have a week off I will take the train later to visit my mum! I will answer your letter when I come back :D
Have a nice weekend!
inactive user
Hey Dóri!
I got your letter today. Thank you very much! I will reply to you as soon as possible! :D
Btw, do you have Instagram ?
inactive user
I can understand! Last year it was very very hot in Germany as well; especially when the country is not used to such weather it's really disgusting - - Well, the weather in Kazakhstan it's cold during the winter between -20°C to -40°C. Once it was -50°C in my home city which was the coldest temperature there. During summer it's between 30°C to 40°C.
Ah, nice! I would like to work as an Interpreter in an Arab country :D
inactive user
To be honest I don't mind that especially when it's very hot I prefer to stay inside. You know I can't stand hot weather for too long :I

Oh, wow! All the best! What do you want to work as in the future ?
inactive user
Well, the winter semester is between October and February and summer between April and July. The exams are in the end of January and begin of February :D

Oh, I see! Good luck with your thesis! What is it about ? :D
What field do/did you study ?
inactive user
Yes, the winter semester starts in the middle of October in Germany. How about there ? Are you a student ?
That's great! Congratulations :D I didn't take the driving test yet ehh
inactive user
Hello Dóra!

Thank you so much, I am looking forward to receive your letter! :D
I'm very good thanks for asking. I recovered on the weekend and I am very happy about that since University started on Monday. The past two days my classes ended late but I am alright, just need to prepare for tomorrows class! What about you ? Everything alright out there ? ^ ^
inactive user
Ah, okay! You don't want to or you forget it ?
inactive user
Well, if you want the person to see your comment you need to @ and their username. Of course I use their real names as well :D

Oh, get well soon! Don't worry, just write when you have time and feel well! ^ ^
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