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Didalsgh40, 32 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2013
Hi! how are you?
I hope that you are fine.

Do you remember me my friend?=)
Have a good week ^^/
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2011
Thanks Minho Yang, also you are very nice, really, a good person I glad meet you, by the way, you, my good friend, can call me Marisol, Mari or Sol, how you want it ^ ^

Yes, I love my major, the arts I've always liked
well I promise work hard for improve every day.
Look, before, I was going to be a doctor, but one day I decided it was not my dream career, because I'm very sentimental, but I found the arts and I knew that was what I wanted. n_n

DonĀ“t worry friend, you will find your dream, little by little, my good friend and always I will support you ^ ^

Really your universyty is very famous of art, how it is called?

Take care, have a beautiful day n_n
inactive user
oh i see
really? well good luck ^-^ hope you do well :D
oh really? that's cool :D
my dream is to be a animator or a graphic disigner xD
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2011
yes, i know :)
I understand..
It's kind of a similar situation here.
A lot of nicer universities are in NY and CA.

I didn't know Seoul's air was heavily polluted.
I guess Seoul is better than Busan in some ways
and vice versa :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2011
Oh yes friend, I understand you
physics is very stressful
my major are the arts, I study graphic desing and visual comunications
I love my study, although sometimes tiring, but worth it n_n

You can friend, fighting!!!! ^ ^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2011
yep :)
Why didn't you enter university in Busan?
Then you wouldn't be alone.. :)
How do you like Seoul?
inactive user
Hahah really?! Yeah it's a big deal here -_- I hate huge tests that determine the rest if your life because I'm bad at taking test..I sleep half of the time and get too nervous -_-x
And really seven?! Wow! you can't take the test again if you don't like your score?! Heavy!
And yeappp! There are so many good schools here but I want to go somewhere out of my country if I'm able to...
inactive user
Yes it is, very stressful :/
I have to take some exam next week D: I really don't want to take them >~<
inactive user
haha i am kind. :b
i know, you guys go to bed soooo late. i guess koreans dont need that much sleep, hm.? ^^
nope, im still im middle school. in august i will be a high school student, i guess.
yees, i know korean age. :b a friend already explained that to me.
but i think its pretty complicated. ^^
and your english is fine, dont worry about that. ^^
inactive user
its okay. :b dont worry about the late reply. ^^

haha do you think so.?
youre studying at 2:37am.? waah thats too late.
you should go to bed. :D
but i know that korean usually go to bed pretty late. :b
so i guess its fine, hm.? ^^
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