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Danzig95, 30 y.o.
Paola, United States [Current City]



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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 89.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2013
hello :)
inactive user
So much effort.
inactive user
hi :)
inactive user
Isn't it strange how that works. My mom hated that I listened (still do) to Emilie Autumn because of the type of music she is, but bloody hell do I love me some Emilie.
inactive user
As depressing as it is though I always feel quite happy listening to it lol
inactive user
I love it too.The back story to it was sad though. My favorites off that album include criminal, haunted, the night, and perfect insanity.
inactive user
I used to constantly listen to their indestructible album back in eleventh grade. If I didn't start my morning by listening to them everything would feel off for the rest of the day lol
inactive user
Too bad I can't hear you play. Disturbed....such good memories associated with their music.
inactive user
Playing or just listening?
inactive user
Not much. How about you?
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