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Michelle , 33 y.o.
Ottawa, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
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inactive user
hi Michelle,
congrats for going to uni! :)

jason xx
inactive user
Qué tal? Qué haces?
Tenía también mis examenes... era muy buena... :) Cómo era tus examenes?
Me guasta también leer und libro o escuchar a la musica. También me gusta la naturaleza y encontar mis amigos... :)
Además me gusta la cocción. Tngo un gran libro con muchas cosas muy ricas! :)
Tu sabes a cocer algo?
Muchisimos saludos
inactive user
did you like Italy and Greece??
My parents like travelling so they take me with them =) I'm lucky they like traveling hehe =D
I loved London! ♥ I also liked Prague, Copenhaguen and Egypt very much. The trip to Egypt was awesome! *o*
inactive user
ok, don't worry. how did your exams go? I hope you passed all of them! =)
yes, I love traveling! *o* I've been to Paris, London, Prague, many cities of Spain, St. Petersburg, Copenhaguen, Italy, Egypt...
what about you? do you like traveling too?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2011
hey Michelle,nice to meet you! =),so nice that you speak french! so you wanna exchange language with me ? i would like to learn french for me its so difficult =(..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2011
Hi there :) I just across your profile, thought i'd leave you a message :D i see that you're from Ottawa, that's interesting, how's it living up there like? I'm in Halifax, NS but I'm considering moving to Ontario in like a year or two for university :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2011
I just want to let people know I won't be replying to messages this week because I'm currently in exams, and I'm trying to stay very focused. Please do not think I'm ignoring you because I'm not. I will be replying to messages when I come back. Thanks :)
inactive user
I think your city must be nice =)
As I told you my city is very small, I think it must be smaller than yours. I'd like that there would be more shops, pubs,cinemas... Here we have only one big cinema in the city and we have to take the car to go there haha and there's also another cinema but it's very small and it broadcast only one movie >.< though some areas of Jaén are nice. There's for example a big park in front of my house and it's very beautiful =) and the castle and the centre is nice too ^^
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