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Chris Kelley, 33 y.o.
Kingston, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 451.
inactive user
I am interested in Massatusettes.

How is there?nice?
I mean weaher,people,education,etc.
I may study abroad to there....So...
Can we talk?lol
I am from Japan,Thanks.
inactive user
heyy thanks (: yeah i looked u up on facebook, i thought i found u lol it kinda looked like u... but apparently it wasnt u and he was like do i know u babe? lmaaoo. didnt think it was you. if u wanna message me the link to your page i'll add u (: thanks! love kelly
inactive user
haha nope you are NOT alone :P

yea i absolutely LOVEEEEE snowboarding haha but thanks for recommending it! haha

inactive user
haha never that stuff can kill you :P
inactive user
yup, techno's cool. haha and aphex is awesome! i learnt the other day that my birthday is 6 days before his. not the same year, obviously. XD actually i'm not sure what genre i listen to the most though.. how about you?
inactive user
That's sound kool... well if you can find!^^
inactive user
Lol. Um..not much really. :P What about there? :)
inactive user
Oh,bright blue would be really kool- especially against the white =]
inactive user
Ah, I guess- that should be fine. So, aer you just going with white, or are you dying it another colour over that? =]

I finally got more dye. ^^ i wanted to go with electric blue but the guy I bought it from told me it washes out in like a week and there'd be no point, so I got pink instead =]
inactive user
Oh, sorry Uni just short hand for University ^^

Ah, that sounds kool- just make sure you use the right bleach, cause if your hairs too dark it might go green- which happened to me- opps xD

Where do you work? =]
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