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Kenneth Wong, 35 y.o.
Edinburgh, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 213.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2011
Im fine. Thx^^ yeah im so busy recently. Coz i will go to university next year.
Wow, u r so cool. When did u come to UK?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 26, 2011
long time no see u ? do u remenber me ?~
inactive user
well i pay for school, i am not working for anyone yet ;) I guess paying for school is normal?
yeah thats right...and i think the result is better when you know you can relax and have some hours to think about your idea first before you start designing it.

no i never had to draw 3d stuff :D i tried some things with poser and bryce some years ago haha but yes, it's really hard. I admit i haven't watched avatar :D
yeah, I agree... and in general i think its much easier to give something a personal touch if you draw it instead of taking a photo or using software :)
inactive user
ahh okay... well it sounds hard for me anyway, but i'm not good in drawing illustrations :D

yes you are right, even cs2 is good enough. I am happy as long as i dont have to use gimp hahaha

yeah thats what i like about that job :D
yes i have far too much time... cause i am not studying but doing a training and so everyone who pays enough can do it haha So they give us so much time that the slow ones and the lazy ones can finish the project... But i think later at work, it's normal to create a poster in 2 days. A website in one week... depends on the content :)
Haha yes, find a better company in europe, i am sure they are lazy over here compared to hong kong :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2010
I go there every day.we don't have off days and we don't skip any lessons.Actually we'r free on the afternoons.we were abel to do so according to the arrangements that we made with our lecturers.U are lucky to play around and to sleep late.well here in our cumpus there is no such thing.Every body is working hard and struggling to score a good gread w/c will have a great effect on tomorrws job opportunity.U are so lucky.even I'm sacrificing my sleep time.On the coming week I've 3 conscutive I'm forced to stay up till 3am in the morning.tht is how we do in our university.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2010
It is a pleasure to meet u too.Currently I'm studying and I'm syudying accounting in university as well.
inactive user
Oh wow, that really sounds like a lot of work... how many pages does the book have? Is it supposed to be published? I'd like to see your illustrations :D

Haha okay :D We have only cs3... :'(

No, i design print and online stuff :) Maybe simple animations, but no videos. Logos, business cards and so on, websites...
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2010
hehe i know the history, its so amazing and nice. And my job is to design roads, bridges, canals, structures, etc is civil engineering (construction), i dont know how say civil engineering in hong kong universities.
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