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Aries, 27 y.o.
Boac, Philippines [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 34.
inactive user
****o! long time no see!!
how are you?
inactive user
Happy birthday today, Aries !^ ^Hope you have a sweet birthday !0v0
inactive user
that's great to see you are fine now ^w^
unfortunately yeah but this time is my computer >n< okay I have to watch dishes and talk to you later
inactive user
that's great. just drink some hot water ,open windows and do sports frequently ^ ^(i know it is targeted to flu but yeah ,it may help people to be healthy )i read some medical books ,on those books ,they point out that fever is a body defense system to have war with some viruses and harmful bacteria.after maybe one week ,fever will be gone even if people don't take pills during the period (but i always take pills during the period because i can't bear the extremely bad feeling i have when i have fever :p )
oh ,that's nice ,though i don't know the video.On Thursday ,i was watching a video about scandals in the tourism in different cities such as Rome ,Barcelona ,Buenos Aires etc. I think I might visit some of them in the future ,so i have to be prepared not to be cheated and my wallet, cellphone and some worthy things won't be stolen during the visiting :p
inactive user
I am pretty good^ ^ I was watching a video . How about you?
inactive user
hi aries ,I am fine these days ^ ^sorry for the mis-function of messages > <would you mind i send you email when we chat some private things ?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2015
Oh Sorry I didn't see . Sure we can
inactive user
Thanks for visiting :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 15, 2015
why not :D and wow !:D you are awesome :D so how is it going to be doctor?:D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2015
Helllo Nika :-) i ve been to Philippines about a month ago! Well, it was not your city but it was Davao. I spent really good times there haha :D thank you for your recommends! I ll try to watch them :)) my friend is also studying in Davao to be a dentist(she's Korean) nurse and dentist are quite relevant jobs arent they?! Nice to meet you tooooo:-)
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