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Jwamoobin , 31 y.o.
Fukuoka, Japan [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1292.
inactive user
Life in Korea is going well so far :) I had a super bad first month due to some problems with my accomodation (I had to move three times during that small period of time) so I had a super bad first impression of Seoul. I didn't have stability (a place to call "home"), plus I didn't know anyone, language barrier, culture shock (being the foreigner instead, which is not too bad if you are a tourist but when you live there is completely different)...
I'd say I needed one more month to finally say "Okay, I settled in Seoul, I got used to this new lifestyle... And I like it!". But now it's all worth it, and I wouldn't change it for the world ^.^
inactive user
I am majoring in East Asia Studies, so that's why haha :) I speak both languages but I had more friends back in Korea, and plus it was cheaper than Japan so I decided to go there instead!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2014
Moi aussi :)
J'apprend un peu les deux
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2014
Bonjour, je m'appelle Morgane :)
inactive user
Yes hehe, I live in Korea but I've been studying Japanese since I was 16 :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2013
It's great that you remember haha
Sorry but I never continued learning Korean
If we keep in contact I promise you that I will :)

and you never told me that you were in a band,
how's that going?
I mostly just have been just working on my classes and one part time job, I have learned a few more things in Japanese but not too much
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2013
Moobin! it has been a while
do you remember me haha?
how have you been?
inactive user
hahah hi too
inactive user
hello :)
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