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HakiimJulian, 28 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 174.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2014
Hey :D
inactive user
Ohh,, buat satu? kemalasan melanda. nanti I buat. okayy? dah follow bg tau. =)
inactive user
I ta de skype la you, ehhh,, laaa, ye ke. I ingat you duduk kl. Kalau you nak follow twitter I, same je dengan interpals I. :)
inactive user
Haha,, Ta janjii, jumpe you pun ta pernah. Kalau dapat pun maybe second gaji la. first gaji ni I nak beli barang I dulu. Eh,, you duduk kl area mane eh?
inactive user
I baru kerja laaa. Bulan nie baru start. Haha.. belanja you?? Kalau gaji I besar. XD
inactive user
boleh ape. gaji I? Ikut doktor lah nak bagi berape. I pun ta pasti. If kerja I okay maybe doktor bg lebih kot. I dah gak dah. kerja you memang senang jee..
inactive user
Ta de lah sorang, ade lg 5 staff, 3 org tu dieorang part time je. Ohh,, I ta cakp eh? For this time being I duduk dekat meja reception. Daftar patient, jawab phone call. Nanti bila dah okayy baru I boleh masuk farmasi dekat klinik or assist doktor. Ape kerja you? Duduk rumah? XD
inactive user
Penat kan. Ade la jugak rehat. time lunch tu i rehat la kejap. Kalau i penat i duduk dalam surau kejap. rehat2. then kerja balik, ala,, lgpun mane ade kerja yg ta penat kan..
inactive user
I biase masuk pukul 8.00/8.30. balik I selalu buat closing. Klinik tutup pukul 6.30 tp I selalu balik lambat. Dalam pukul 7.30/8.00 baru I balik..
inactive user
haha. kelakar la you ni. as well as i yg rawat you? haha. lesen to be a doctor pun i ta de. xD eh, ta pe lambat,. I mane slalu online. kerja kan.
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