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Yuriy, 42 y.o.
Novosibirsk, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2016
Hola como estas?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2016
hi yuriy~~ Long time no see~~~ ^^
inactive user
haha no... they are not that intelligent. I wish I could talk longer but I need to go to bed now. It is almost 12am or 0:00. it was nice talking to you and hope we can chat again
inactive user
because they get in the way. They jump out in front of cars and they do not move out of the way
inactive user
I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Live with bears? awesome. I live with annoying deer
inactive user
People live there? Just kidding haha. I live in the USA
inactive user
I am tired but doing well. Thank you. How are you? Where is Nobosibirsk?
inactive user
Nice to meet you too!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2015
Hi,I am supaporn.I'm Thailand.
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