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Yonathan, 30 y.o.
Vancouver, Canada [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
inactive user
Wow, that's a lot. Why Cara though?
inactive user
Wow, that's a hard one... perhaps Tupac.. that would be interesting. Just someone who would make me laugh and who would tell great stories - dead or alive.
What about you?
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Check my profile
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2014
Thank you ! :)
inactive user
inactive user
Merry Christmas!:)
inactive user
It's ok, sorry for my late reply too, but I have lots of work at school :(
haha, they ask me out for a prom probably because I'm their good, single and not so ugly friend ;p But I don't feel very well when I have to refuse.
Oh, I watched this movie because of Ryan Gosling, but I didn't really like this film. It was quite good, funny romcom but it wasn't anything special.
You can laugh at me, but I love the way he's moving his arms, like a professional runner!(:
I hate it too, because of it George's Michael "Last Christmas" and Mariah Carey's song "All I want For Christmas is You" get me bored of them. I really liked it few years ago but now... -.- That's really lame!
I can't wait for time when it will be snowing again, I want skiing!
How was your weekend? I went to my friend's birthday party and everybody had to wear clothes from twenties haha but music was from our days and we were dancing Gagnam Style (I hadn't known it before, it's so stupid song but on the other hand quite funny - my friends taught me how to dance to it, haha).
Hope you are ok!(:
inactive user
Haha, yes, he asked me out, but he's not the only one who did it;p

Crying on the movies is girls' speciality. It's quite embarassing, but what can we do? It's us;p

To Rome with love isn't a romantic film, but One Day is. I first read a book and despite it isn't written pretty well I fall in love with a story. It's so moving, it's about friends whose meet every year in the same day. Their acquaintance started from their affair. I recommend it, haha:)

Reffering to Skyfall I was quite dissapointed. Special effects were absolutely cool, also photos were awesome. But I didn't like the plot, I expecting something more complicated and prompting viewer to thinking what Bond will do. Hope that the next Bond will have better screenplay. Despite it I like this movie, and Daniel Craig match to this role perfectly. I really like moments when he was running, haha.

Oh, it's my problem, too! I have only time for reading matters. But the disadvantage of texts that usually these books aren't interesting;p I checked this book, it seems to be very moving. Unfortunately it hasn't been translated, it's only avalaible in English. But who knows, maybe I'll buy it and read it in original language :)

Omg, please, don't ask, haha;p It could go worst, but I'm not glad. Analytic geometry is not that which I like the most.

In Poland it's snowing. I'm so happy, I love winter!
Because of snowing radio stations have started playing songs like "Last Christmas" -.- Oh please, it's already October!
inactive user
Haha, it's funny, because I told my partner that I'm not going to take photos with him, haha;p But I meant posing for photographer. I prefer spontanous photos with friends. Btw I can't imagine prom, it will be so comic!
Oh, I'm going to warch "Gone with the wind". Lots of people recommend this film:) Haha, I had phase for romantic movies on holiday, haha. I watched "The Notebook" and I absolutely love this film! The plot is so moving, I'm not usually cry, but I did wathing this. What's more, Ryan Goslingis is so handsome in Notebook! Oh, you should watch "One Day", it's a beautiful film and also made me cry. These two films are ones of my favourite. I really like Woody Allen films, have you seen "To Rome with Love"? It's really lovely film!
I'm going tomorrow to the cinema for the "Skyfall" :)
Do you like reading books? I just read Ferdydurke. It was written by Witold Gombrowicz, Polish writer. It's really witty, I was laughing all the time because of absurd plot.
I'm so tired, I have to write Maths test tomorrow, what's a pity -.-
inactive user
I love running (while holiday I was running everyday :) and playing football - it's not a joke! I'm really good at it :)
In Poland teenagers can start drinking in the age of 18 but in fact most of teen start it before their 18th birthday. Yes, I do, I like drink on the parties but just for fun.
Haha,we didn't do strange things, we weren't hiking on the roof etc;p But I was laughing to tears when my friend got hysterical when he realised that he hasn't got a partner for a prom, it was extremely funny but it's hard to understand this whole story ;p
What did you do at the weekend? Hope you hadn't learnt too much, haha
Greetings from Poland!
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