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Wilt, 30 y.o.
Calgary, Canada [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 164.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2011
Hello!!! Of course I'll be very glad to talk to you! It doesnt matter what kind of dialect you have! :) And it's good you don't speak Russian at all! Because if I'm going to explain you sth I must do it in English!
Sure, I know some information about your country :) I think there're lots of interesting things! But I've never talked to any Canadian besides one person from Chatroulette for 2 min!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2011
They were melting because of lack of sleep and then staring at my computer screen and reading technical information in books :P and maybe a little bit of tv too haha
inactive user
september? until the 1th september but I go to school until 5nd september
inactive user
it's night now......... I go to bed.........
have you summer holiday?
inactive user
it's night now........ and there?
inactive user
nice to meet you
what's your name?
I'm quite good......... and you?
inactive user
I'm Veronica from the Czech republic
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2011
You must graduate next year, right?

British Columbia, Victoria city...
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2011
i do battet, tap and jazz...and also some hiphop or modern...
you should really try it .... it is soooo much fun i have been dancing since i was 3 years old...
inactive user
I'm not upset right now.(: But, thank you for asking.
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