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Lucas F., 34 y.o.
São Paulo, Brazil [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 63.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2009
hmmmmm your taste in music is very nice from my point of view as well, ha. actually i am just listening to yyy's 'it's blitz', finally got it, and i really like it.
i see you also like daft punk. it reminded me that i have some old old casette bought for 1$. oh good old times.

noo i don't have msn although i do have aim. i would like to talk to you somehow anyway, hmm?
inactive user
i'm joan:)
what's up?
inactive user
it doesn't work ><
so, add me XD => [email protected]
inactive user
Bonjour !
Je veux bien t'aider ^^
inactive user
Bonjour! ^^
Haha, pourquoi pas! ^^
J'ai msn, quelle est ton adresse email? =)
inactive user
I love your taste in music. so tell me a bit about yourself yeah?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2008
i simply love your taste in music.
inactive user
^_^ i love Meds, Every You Every Me, The Bitter End, Pure Morning, Sleeping with Ghosts and of course Protège-Moi :) I like that song the most mhmm!
inactive user
its good, nice place..
what about brazil?
inactive user
Hmmm Placebo's pretty good...whats your favourite song?
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