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Hyun Jin Kim, 31 y.o.
Daegu, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1106.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2012
my name is yofie,,i from indonesia,,,i hope you can accept me as friendship,,,because i looking for friend's to all country for sharing abaut something new,,,ok thank you very much ,,,nice to meet you shiannakiss
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2012
Do you have your results now?!!
That's a good idea, and i'm sure you'll succeed, you're very good at english!

I started college in last september, so i'm in my first year. I learn there, english, german, and spanish... It's hard because i'm with people who ARE english, american, or german, so they speak really really and muchhhhmore better than me, so the nivel is very difficult, but i hope i'll manage..

Ahaha i meant " in what kind of Uni do you wanna go"? "What do you want to study" if you want :) .
Wow guitar is cool, can you play it well?

Yes i saw it!!! it's very nice,you look so pretty! You have so beautiful hair! you're so lucky :p. I'm always the same ^^

Do you plan to travel somewhere? In France? :) It would be amazing if you go to Paris :p

I send you a message inbox, take a look !

Take care, see you soon, xoxo!! <3
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2012
누나도 여기이제 잘 안들어오지?ㅋ
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2012
Playing the guiter is important for life^^

What do you like Japanese food?

I like kimuchi,tige and so on,Ilike korean food very much!
inactive user
Yeah it's a beautiful son *_*
oh i would like to recomend u a song by Beyonce " i was here"

Cool O_O
inactive user
it's like beyonce or ne-yo songs ^^
I want to study international trade what about u ?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2012
Exercising^^?It seems to be pleasant.

I like Yuzu.Yuzu is Japanese singer.
So I play the guiter with Yuzu'song^^

Why does your mother say so?
inactive user
I'm in my last year in high school ^^ next year i'll enter uni

Yeah i like r'n'b and i think that some kpop music are also r'n'b :p
inactive user
thanks for the comment! Im Jessica!
inactive user
Hi ^^ Nice to meet u too :)
I just came back from school - -' i had a test in english lol
what about u ?
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