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Hana, 28 y.o.
Uppsala, Sweden [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
miw miw miiiiaaaaww wiaw
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2015
Human language you mean English?)
inactive user
Depends what type places you like. I'd suggest Old Town (Gamla Stan) and the Vasa museum. Maybe Grona Lund (amusement park) if you like that kind of stuff.
inactive user
Oh, I don't know this serie :33 I note the title ! :> Thanks !
inactive user
No problem ! :')
Fine and you ? ~
inactive user
Feed me
inactive user
Oh cat is Better
inactive user
My worth is same with cat
inactive user
Iwanna be ur cat
inactive user
Meow! Cats for the win! My cats look like aliens though :P
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