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Patricia, 36 y.o.
Arica, Chile [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 160.
inactive user
Holaaa q tal, gracias por tu mensaje. Hacía dos o tres semanas q no entraba aquí jajajaj. sí tengo facebook, puedes buscarme allí por mi correo si kieres. t lo mando en privado ;)
inactive user
Hola Patri qué tal, cómo te va todo??? Ahora de vacaciones supongo. La estadística bien? Hace mucho que no sé de ti. Besosssssssssss
inactive user
hola desde Argentina :)
inactive user
Hi patricia! I like your profile, are you interested in snail mail?
inactive user
Hey Patricia!

How are you doing? Long time no talk!
I've recieved your latter a long time ago already, but I haven't replied to it yet. It's been a pretty tough summer for me and it actually still is. So I thought I'll leave you a wall post instead. ^^ I have to prepare for an exam these days. I'll take it next Monday and if I'm lucky enough to pass it I'll be free after that. So I'll write a letter to you next week I suppose. ^^

I hope you're not mad at me. :)
Have a nice day!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2009
Yo! ^^
Meat is in fact a need. It contains stuff veggies never will. :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2009
Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm impressed with your whole 'dreamer' idea. What do you think about?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2009
hey patricia :D
oh my god i am speachless.. i LOVE your profile... if i would not know it better it could be a perfect description of my own life o.o amazing!!! you are a happy girl - so am i. you study sociology - i do the same. we share the same hobbies, i love the bands you mentioned and also most of the tv-shows... its really weird :D oh wow i have found a difference: i love eating meet °^^°
so if this is no problem for you it would be awesome if you answer me :D
best wishes
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2009
Pues, me decidi por eso porque me gusta esa ciencia social. y busque que podria hacer despues de la uni en sociologia, y lo que encontre, era lo que quiero hacer. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...arregle el msn!!! woooo!!!! q bacan! hablaremos pronto!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2009
Patty!!! what up??? my msn is broken. that's why I haven't been on. stupid, I know. well, I've been thinking, and I think I'm going to follow your footsteps and study sociology (along with spanish of course =D). just thought I should tell you. and find out what you're up to lol! abrazos desde gringolandia
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