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Niinaniina, 33 y.o.
Joensuu, Finland [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2009
Hey urwelcome~ sory for the very late reply :/ me?today im nt feeling well... How about u? Hw's ur holiday?? Take care owesh n away from H1N1,k ^^
inactive user
how are you?

I finished my exam yesterday!!
as soon as i have summer vacation:)
inactive user
hi :) I'm very, very sorry for my late reply!
I'm on my summer vacation, so I'm not at home very often xD

no, I didn't knew ;) but it's great! ask them when are they from when you meet them :) Maybe they will be coming from somewhere near to my city ^^
inactive user
wow are you going to trip to Denmark? awesome!
are you excited?
hope you have fun! XD
inactive user
niina :)
I'm good and what about you?
I heard summer vacation already started there? >:/
I still got school till 11th july..

how is it going on with your german?
inactive user
hi :)
I haven't been there for a while, how are you?
did something new happened, while we haven't talked? xD
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
Hy there,nice pix u hav ^^
inactive user
pretty good :D
wow! i'm very envy you!
i hope hear about your vacation after your vacation is the end.

Soon, i'll have test!!! :(
we have a lot of test!
inactive user
wow wow! its pretty long!!
do you have any plan for it?
oh i am doing good and you?
inactive user
good yourself? oh no problem.
how was your test? hope it was great! :)
when does it finish?
oh yeah everything is so great here.
one thing i dont like is only weather. it gets more humid and hotter.
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