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Nathan, 37 y.o.
Nottingham, United Kingdom [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 149.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2013
Did you see the banner? :)

I've recently set up a website for my photography

and was wondering if you possibly knew any engaged couples who may well be after a photographer?!

I'm also keen to do some more couples shoots with people at a reduced rate while I'm still developing my portfolio, do you possibly have any friends who may be interested in having a little shoot together? My target audience are the 'off-beat'/alternative brides and grooms really, vintage fans, fellow ladies with colourful hair or rockabilly guys n gals etc. But happy to work with anyone :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2013
Dentist appointment/fillings is June so not been again yet!

Things have been pretty good. Went to a burlesque show in Notts last weekend and saw the massive banner outside the theatre with my artwork on! :D Next time you're in town check out Nottingham Arts Theatre and the 'Den of Iniquity' poster outside hehe.

I set up a facebook page for my photography earlier to keep it separate from my art stuff ('Becky Ryan Photography') and I've already had three enquiries about doing peoples weddings! Crazy :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2013
Oh god that sounds horrific :/ I've never had any traumatic experiences like that, touch wood, but have still experienced pain and worry in that dentist chair like most people

An Award in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 3 Certificate.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2013
Dunno, there were only like 2 or 3. They may well still be somewhere, either at my mums, grandparents, in a box ere, or they went to charity.

I'd imagine you don't feel any pain from the drilling, just a yacky sensation, but needs aren't fun, particularly in your mouth :( And I'll have fun eating then as they two I need are on opposite sides.

The course is with UK Open College and cost me £395
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2013
Hey sorry I lose track of what I've replied to and what I haven't on here sometimes!

Craig was the only member of the main cast that didn't attend the red dwarf convention when I attended one year (its an annual thing), so it'll be good to meet him. I've been trying to find a high res image to print of the 4 guys to get signed by them all (pre the last couple of series preferably, more the golden era as it were, back when RD was at its best) but I'm having difficulty sourcing one big enough to print at about 8x10. Boo. And I dont have some of my old rd books anymore that I may have been able to scan one out of, only got a series 8 one and none of the pics in that will do, most have kochanski on as well.

As for what ive been up to, went for my first dental check up since moving to Belper last week, reminded me why I hate dentists :( He did an x ray of my teeth and managed to find 2 cavities that need filling. You can't see them when u just look at my teeth as they must be between them where they join sort of thing. I've had no pain or nothing, but he says they'll have to be filled. So they're going to have to drill away the top surface of good teeth to get to these side bits and fill them with all that metal crap :( I've not had any fillings before so I'm REALLY not looking forward to it. The earliest they could fit be in was June, so I've got that to look forward to not long after my birthday. yay.

I've also enrolled on an online/distance learning teaching assistant course to get a qualification woop!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2013
Cool what sorta places did you show her?

Haha Brian Blessed is amazing! I'm very jealous. I went to a Red Dwarf convention a good few years back, going to a cast talk thing in Notts in May hehe.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2013
How've ye been?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2013
Noo pretty sure he'll 100% respond, he's a nice guy. Guess he just didn't thinkt he previous one needed a reply... I'm just annoyed as I think it came across well 'fan-girl-y
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2013
Bloody messaged him again after someone said I should and I instantly regret it
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2013
Haha I dunno, I do quite like Booboo La Roux, it's a bit silly. Which is always good.
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