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Bree , 34 y.o.
Raleigh, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 439.
inactive user
I haven't talked to you in forever :/ what's up?? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2011
why thank you,....if only I had $1 every time I heard that comment :P
inactive user
summer = beach time right? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2011
:O of course I did...I'm awesome so everyone loves it makes me a badass by having the balls to sing that song..

lameee....I'm kinda broke so I'm stuck at home for the weekend ><
inactive user
haha yep yep :)
so what else do u like to do for fun?
inactive user
ah i misread your NY caption. my bad...haha :P
at least ur 21 though, means you can all the fun :)
inactive user
it just started, its morning here... will see how it goes :)
you look great!! busy with school? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2011
awww come on don't be a party pooper...I really hated that song but then one say walking down the street it just popped on my head and for days I kept singing it's friday firday haha..I even sang it for my friends

so what are you doing on this wonderful firday night? partyin' partyin' fun' fun' ?
inactive user
its pretty darn good down here, especially in summer :)
mind you, im super friggin jealous you live in NYC! i will probably be even more jealous when im 21...haha
inactive user
haha oh well...
just come to australia or something during our summer ;)
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