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Charlotte, 27 y.o.
Naarden, Netherlands [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
inactive user
Batul ! Cool name, ha? :D
inactive user
Thx for comment :)
inactive user
I do, but it's not that hedgehog though! I got a dog!
inactive user
Is it? :))
inactive user
Oh, hello, I named him 'Pažout' !
inactive user
i totally agree with your quotes! :)
inactive user
Thanks you and high five for flute players
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2012
inactive user
Hahhah, sure!:DD You seems to be a nice girl :)
Okay, I will do that someday and tell about that for you then;D hahah!
Everybody who has seen the movie are like: IT'S SO GREAT !!! So I believe you : D
Oh okayy, good night and have a nice schoolday tomorrow! I'm having a holiday already but I've got a summer job so I'm tired too :-D
The week will run fast and then it's your holiday too !!(; Good night!
inactive user
Ah okay (: I didn't remember who is Lana del Rey so I put it to Youtube and yes, she is really good singer !:)
No, I'm not belieber XD I neede to go to watch the Hungergames to the cinema but I didn't !! But I believe it's a good movie 8)
Nice to meet you btw!:DD
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