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Minjaya, 47 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 27, 2017
Cool. You should have caught Farfetch'd who is only Asia region.
inactive user
Hello, Minjaya :) thanks for the messages! I was really happy to get it. I'd love to be your friend!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2015
many thanks dear Minjaya
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2015
Hi Minjaya,

Nice to meet you. Sure, I can help with your Mandarin if you would like to.
inactive user
hello friend iwould like to correspond with u as ur pal friendship by exchanges email and snail hope to hear from u soon
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2015
Hi Min:) My friends call me John so you can call me John, too. I like Thai food very much I realise that when I was in Thailand last year. Every Thai eatery feed me very nice food. Tom Klong must be very nice because I love extremely spicy food. In Japan, there are some eatery run by fishermans' association by the port. Their sushi and sashimi is fresh, cheap, and yummy:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2015
Gooood morning Minjaya! I like Tom Yum instant noodle very much and I also like Green curry instant noodles. They are available at my local supermarket, of course they are made in Thailand :) Now only one green curry noodle left in my room so I want to buy some in a few days :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2015
Yes. Travel alone makes me feel really free. I just buy airticket and fly. I look for an accomodation for the night and think about where to go on the following day. Of course I decide main destination before the departure such as world heritages. /// i had curry for lunch:) what did you have?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2015
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2015
I tell you where I have been. Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, U.A.E., Oman, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Belgim, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Greece, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Taiwan, Mexico.....and more. The best place is always countryside :) calm and easy.
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