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Maud, 30 y.o.
Nancy, France [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1036.
inactive user
happy birthday(:
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2009
Thank you for the message
Nice to meet you too =)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2009
nice to meet you
my name is da sol, and my family name is kwon.
i want to be your friend.
i like france culture.
bye bye, see you.
inactive user
My older sister will be taking me to Europe when I turn 18.
I cant wait! :]
inactive user
today i feel better, so i went shopping... i bought.. nothing xD lol just i searched what is it in shops ^^

do you have holiday?

how is going your weekend?
inactive user
Yes, I made it. I gave to add A LOT of new pictures. How is school so far?
inactive user
me too, im so sick of school,
i just started going this week and i got a bomb of school work to do.. heeeelp!! lools
inactive user
oh! sorryy..:P
i was so busy ! T.T so i can't use computer too..O.o
it was so suck..
oh UK? i really wanna go there so much!
me too im in last grade in middle school haha
so i will go High school too!! XDDD

have a good day! XDDD
inactive user
oh....whot music?
inactive user
I prerfer russian and i know it best, but ukrainian is most beautiful and melodious!!))
in school we speak ukrainian only in lessons of ukrainia language and literature, rest time i speak russian!!!)))
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