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Marta, 30 y.o.
Granollers, Spain [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
inactive user
Hola Marta! Como estas?
Soy inglesa y hablo epanol a nivel intermedio.
Me gustaria practicar mi espanol contigo :)
a cambio, voy a ayudarle con su ingles
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2010
Hola marta :) Que tal ?
Me llamo Raphaelle, tengo dieciseis anos, soy francesa ! :)
Quiero hablar espanol con espanoles, por eso estoy aqui :D
Y para hacer nueva amigos tambien :D
Besos !
inactive user
Hola Marta!
Qué tal?Te gusta vivir en Espana?es un país muy bonit,tus fotos son muy bonitas.Has estado ya en extranjero?Cuáles son tus aficiónes?Dónde está tu ciudad dentro de Espaan,es galicia,no?Bueno,escribme algo de ti.Chao:)Buenas noches!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2009
gday! :)
i actually really love 'love actually' hehe and i dont laugh at my own jokes all the time, only when i'm absolutely bored outta my brains :P
also love ghost -BAWLED my eyes out, but great movie over all!
anyways . . . got any exciting plans for christmas?

x o
inactive user
Ohh well thats more then me..well i go to my cousins christmas parties..but its not that fun and crazy. I love amusement parks. haha.
awe..whats the coldest it gets over there??Does it snow?
Its getting reallly cold here.Pretty soon I will need to wear a coat and not a jacket. But its good because I bought a very nice wool coat.So yay!
inactive user
hey hey. Yay well thank you :)
How often to do you go to parties?
ahh people go crazy for halloween. I went to the mall on halloween soo many people were dressed up..even an old lady who had a short skirt on! I was like :O woah.
Oh wait did you go to the amusement park? hah you seem like you have tons of fun. Lucky! but thats good. hows the weather like at this time and in the winter???
see you <333
inactive user
Hola :)
You know what! I need to add you haha. Do you mind?
Oh yes volleyball is cool. I love to dance..and to anymusic.
Oh did you dress up as something in the party? I didn't do anything ahha just stayed home.I don't celebrate halloween but I did lots of candy :)).
inactive user
Hiii :D
Ohh you start like any times in the day! why? Thats so nice. Do you like it that way?
I don't like sports much. but I like soccer and tennis. But I am no good haha. I don't have a favorite team either. I don't watch sports :( what about you what yours and favorite sports?
Yes you too. I wanto buy some boots >.<
Oh is it a halloween party? Do you have fun there alot? It seems like people do. I don't know what I will do :( But i just wanto hang out with my freind and go shopping.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2009
hey its been so long since i talked to you haha how you ben?
inactive user
Hola :)
Yes I had much homework today to.No fun :(
What time do you start school? and end it?
Wow you seem very busy ahaha.
today I just eh went to school all day.7:00-3:00
and took the bus downtown with my amiga, and went home.Once I get home I don't do much except homework since i haven't got a car and parents too busy to bring me places. ah No.. I don't have a facebook. I told myself I will make one. I only have Myspace though.
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