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Manon, 30 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2014
hi, do you speak any Chinese?
inactive user
Sorry for late reply...

because , sometimes signing here. :)

French is so gentle!

Today lesson! ->
E go ul ma yae yo? = How much is it?
you have to read in english. :)
inactive user
hi thank you :)
inactive user
I learned 'Hi' is say in ' Bonjour'.
Is 'Salut ' seems like teens language???
just wondering .. hehe

"I love you" we say "Sa rang he".

"What are you doing?" = "Mou hae?"
inactive user
Haha merci becoup ~. Feel free to talk to me anytime
inactive user
Yes kinda big city ^^. Many univs in this city
Ahh too tired. I just came bak from work
inactive user
Nope its far from busan I would tell u about the city where i live is located on middle of south korea ^^
inactive user
Haha thx. What u doin
inactive user
Mechanical engineer^^. Hows the life tgere
inactive user
Yup studying at univ and also work at the same time ^^
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