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Janaina, 30 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 239.
inactive user
Hi! :)
inactive user
Hi! :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2013
stop using interpals at work! xD
inactive user
Heeey :) I am Lea, I'm 16. I come from Slovenia (Europe) and i love to make new friends around the world so here i am,leaving a hello ;)
inactive user
Happy birthday my friend :)
inactive user
Heeeeey vizinha =D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2012
inactive user
oh, I see. Looks pretty nice from what I see (google) hehe. Looks as if it were very dutch-influenced.
inactive user
of course! octoberfest: the most exciting day in american history. hehe, naaw, just kidding. in all honesty, anything beats Arlington, Virginia. ANYTHING. So what state is Blumenau in, or is it the state, or a city, kind of confused :P
inactive user
ehh, i'm good, but bored. Life in the US sucks, hehe. I wish I were down there in brazil, well, anywhere really other than here. Where exactly is Blumenau??
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