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Neil, 36 y.o.
Liverpool, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 144.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2015
Sounds really fun :)
That was also super generous of the bar owner!!! You don't see that happen very often!
I used to really dig Pantera when I was a teenager!
Yeah I immediately thought of the Beatles too--typical American I guess :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2015
I enjoy those as well :) Dude that is awesome! If I'm ever in NYC I'll see if I can find that place and scope that out haha.

Cambria was wet and cold earlier this week it was so annoying!
It's a tiny town surrounded by medium sized towns, it'd be SUPER weird if you knew anything about it haha. I like it though--it's cozy and quiet :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2015
Hey, I really dig Be My druidess or... IYDKMIGTHTKY (gimme that) haha. I find this website alright, once you weed out all the weirdos :) How's Liverpool?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2015
I love the skit about the dead parrot on Monty Python and My favourite two of Mitchell and Webb are the one where the "it's a bad miss" guy overdid it on his home made beer and the Sherlock holmes who changed between the two! But I love them all!
inactive user
Oana, making people happy since 1994. You're welcome sir!
inactive user
That sucks ^^

Not quite sure, never seen lord of the rings, didn't know they scalped people, thought it was just a creepy gremlin with a split personality disorder that likes shiny things
inactive user
Sounds awesome. Best time to do stuff is at night :)
I'm alright. Just watching a film about a hobbit scalping people as one does at nearly 3 am lol
inactive user
Hey there
I'm Sunny. Nice to meet you
How are you doing :)
inactive user
I did not read the book, I though the movie was creepy enough! Hah...I agree I cannot handle the scene with the dog! I also felt a little bad for Jared Leto's character as well, but I enjoyed the movie.

Well, I joined this site to “meet” people who live outside of my country, but for some reason, everyone from the US instead wants to message me. What about you? You’ve been on this site much longer than me, have you made some friends here?

Oh, and kudos to the Crow homage you got there going in one of your pictures. I love the Crow. The movie was tragic; the comic was just as heartbreaking. You make a pretty convincible Eric Draven. =)
inactive user
Great taste in movies and books! You mentioned you liked American Psycho in the book form, what about the movie?
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