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Harry93, 31 y.o.
Marlborough, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
inactive user
Hey.934 I enjoy when my candid photos look and compliment me. Will you watch them?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2011
Yeah, I'd feel really alone if I never did things with my friends, it'd probably be pretty depressing to be honest. Yeah spontaneity is pretty awesome sometimes, though my parents yell at me if I'm too spontaneous and of course I have things I plan out, not everything is spontaneous.
I've been fencing for a little over a year. My coaches are really happy to see how fast I'm progressing, and I'm sure that I'll be nationally ranked by next season :)
Well I started learning German in August because that's when my school added German to the "language" department. Before we only had French and Spanish; so now I take French and German. I've been doing these extra classes outside of school since February.
I'm definitely getting better at German than I was, but of course I still have a long way to go lol.
My dog is a black lab, he's about 6 months old now and I love him to death!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2011
Nice to meet ya Harry!
In my spare time (if I ever have it after a long day of school) is usually to drive over to a friend's house. We always do really random stuff we think up on the spot, but it always turns into an adventure and is pretty awesome :)
I'm also a fencer so I do that about 2-3 times a week. On Saturdays I go to a school for 3 hours to work on my German, and I spend the afternoons studying for school and hanging with friends. And of course I like the generic "listening to music" and I play a few video games. I also have a new puppy so I like going outside and playing catch with him lol
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2011
Wow you got to go to Beerfest?
That's amazing
My name's Sam btw
inactive user
Actually, no i don't know the name xD I know somebody called Gwen :P
inactive user
DO IT! Languages at new are up with the best in the country. The assistants are always really good and so are the proper teachers! :D The german assistant called André thought I was from france xD Best day of my life. I think my friend is friends with Gwyn... The name's really familiar. Toby makes me smile so much haha. We were sat in costa in marlb high street and he bought a cake and said "a nice slim bit of cake to go along with my swimmer's body" haha.
inactive user
Nooo i'm gonna do it in the summer and next year. i'm in my second year at new but gonna do an extra year :( so gcse in the summer and AS by the end of next year xD & ask about Dan Harbour xD if he doesn't remember him a) give him a slap. b) say "new years at alexa's house" c) "miriam's piss up where he almost broke his ankle on the hill in Marlborough" xD haaha. Do you know anybody at college? Oh I also know Dan Churnside :P
inactive user
Bronte Adams, Miriam Price, Toby levy, nathan jones, hannah chandler and ellie black :P Ah right. Usually people do it around north. I wanna go to uni to do french, german and possibly chinese... xD yourself?
inactive user
If you go to the 6th form you probably know a few of my friends there xD Fair play about the Uni. It's really offputting but I. Want. Out. I need to get away from Swindon for a bit... Nice about passing. Did you have to do a circuit around north swindon?
inactive user
Yeh I'm at new. What about yourself? Do you go to St John's 6th form cos I know there's not many colleges by marlborough, except the ultra private school :P
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