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Hailey, 35 y.o.
Fitzgerald, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals


Some college
Hailey Williamson

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 101.
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2015
You have fantastic taste in tv :D Also, you sound like a really interesting person to get to know :3
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2011
thx for visiting my page :3
inactive user
Are you interested in serial killers? haha then you should read "Mind Hunter"! :)
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2011
very beautiful and charming:) i wish you happiness:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2011
yeah, it's actually a good thing that not a lot of people have heard of these weird indie movies, kind of makes you feel special when you find and watch something really cool no one has heard of. haha.
i'm not a huge fan of horror myself, though. i guess i overdosed on them when i was younger, i would watch all the horror movies i could find and now i feel they're all the same. Have you seen Hard Candy? it was pretty intense. annnd the swedish film, they now made an american remake though, Let the Right One In is kind of dark too though it's more of a story about a weird friendship. ahh, theres too many movies. Lately I've watched more dramas, but they often have some traumatic story too, like in Rabbit Hole, which is about a couple whose son die in an accident.
Alright, thanks for the recommendations, I'll look them up and add them to my endless movie list haha. And then I always pick and watch one that matches my mood, lol.

oh, okay. what are you studying? I gotta apply for schools again and i'm not excited at all. I dont exactly feel like studying for the entrance exams.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2011
heellloo, and sorry for the late reply.
Yeah, I've seen Mysterious Skin and i gotta say, i was pretty impressed by the acting. It really is a dark and traumatic movie. Actually you're the first person that has ever recommended me that movie, it's weird that no one has ever heard anything about it since it's a really powerful movie.
I dont really know how to describe my taste in movies. I love dramas,though, and smart comedies and also some dark stuff. I guess I like a little bit of everything, every genre, but I'm really picky too haha. ahhh and i'm BIG on indie movies, if you know any, please let me know haha. I can recommend to watch the vicious kind, if you havent seen it. It's awesome.
Oh god, dont get me started on movies, i just cant stop haha.
Anyway, I'm okay. :P how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2011
Sorry that it has taking me so long to write back. I have been so busy with university and various volunteer work.
What have you been doing?
Well, I have lived in small cities while overseas but I've never stayed in a massive city for more than a few weeks at a time. I was at WSU when I was in the US, so it was kind of out in the boonies in eastern WA.
I'm hoping to either become a lawyer or get a grad government job when I finish my degree.
inactive user
Hi Hailey!
yeah I totally agree. I think they are awesome! Same with City & Color.
But why don't you like chocolate? I'm really crazy about it! :)
inactive user
Why don't you like open doors?

Cathy :3
inactive user
No, I havent... Looks like russian writers of that time were really good.
I have just finished Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, quite an impressing book.
Well, if your saying its good, I shall read it (as soon as I finish all those books in this years program- and they are pretty bad).
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