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Adam, 32 y.o.
Manchester, United Kingdom [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1037.
inactive user
Hi Brother ;
How are you ? Can we be friend here ? Nice to meet you ;
inactive user
I send you lots of joy and happiness :)
inactive user
inactive user
Hi Brother ;
How are you ? Nice to meet you ; Can I to be your friend here ?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2019
The real question is: aren't we all fake?
inactive user
Your profile was quirky, indepth and amusing! Also I'm only writing this to get to your dog! :) , dog lurking for life. And lastly - your favourite book section is LIT!

That is all!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2019
Hi! It was very interesting to vew your story about yourself.
I understand, that you like reading very much, it's very good, because you know something new. Good luck in everything! :))

inactive user
Hello Brother ;
How are you ? Nice to meet you ; Can I to be your friend here ?
inactive user
︎H︎e︎e︎y︎︎!︎ I fo︎u︎n︎d th︎e ︎we︎bsite ︎w︎he︎re you︎ c︎a︎n︎ s︎ee︎ ︎sl︎u︎t︎ty︎-M︎IL︎F︎s︎, f︎r︎o︎m y︎ou︎r ︎cit︎y︎, ︎p︎o︎s︎te︎d︎ nu︎d︎e p︎ict︎ur︎es︎!! %enter%︎H︎e︎r︎e︎ i︎s︎ th︎e lin︎k︎: ̩▶️ a︎︎d︎︎u︎l︎︎t︎i︎n︎d︎︎e︎︎r︎︎.︎︎c︎l︎u︎︎b︎︎/︎i︎︎d︎u︎︎se︎r︎︎-︎︎1︎8︎0︎︎9
inactive user
︁Ju︁st t︁o s︁a︁y y︁ou a︁re aw︁e︁s︁om︁e:)︁

︁Ch︁ec︁k m︁y S︁E︁X D︁A︁TING̩ p︁r︁o︁fi︁l︁e︁: w︁w︁w︁.o︁p︁t︁︁o︁k︁n︁︁o︁.︁c︁︁o︁m︁/︁︁i︁︁d︁︁3︁︁0︁2︁︁4
Waiting f︁or y︁ou...
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