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Edina, 27 y.o.
Ljungby, Sweden [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
Hello Edina! You can like Müslüm Gürses (He was Turkish singer)
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2015
A: Why are all those people running?
B: They are running a race to get a cup.
A: Who will get the cup?
B: The person who wins.
A: Then why are all the others running?
hi and how r u?
inactive user
It is almost like *Serbian*
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2014
Thank you so much:),but I'm not pretty as you.
The swedish looks pretty,what's her best song you can recommend to me:D?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2014
How are you?
Do you wanna teach me swedish maybe?
inactive user
Clicked on your profile because I have often been to Sweden and was looking for people from Swedish towns I know. Do you know Tranemo, Gislaved or Sjötofta? :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
No at all :)
To be hoest... I try last month argentinian tango :D
and I know.... I'm terible dencer :D It;s kills me :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2014
Thanks for the visit :-)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2014
hello edina...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2014
; )
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