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Tori, 30 y.o.
Tacoma, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 4612.
inactive user
You dropped by. I thought I'd at least say a quick 'hello'. So, hello! =)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2013
Just a small message for Tenterhooks:
I was in training for the Army. We are not allowed to have any connection to the outside world. So, I'm SO very sorry that you, a random person who I've never even spoken to, deems it necessary to put me down while I train to serve my country. I'll try to do better to make you happy, guy.
inactive user
133 friends then doesnt show up for over a year... im sick of this site.. :(
inactive user
nice to meet u :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2013
Hi from france :P
Come and watch my videos please :D I talk in english, german and french ;)

See ya :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2013
This is fantastic, on a similar note;x
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2013
Want to read my 10 page term paper?:3 Here's the band I was singing over the phone, leather biker stuff.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2013
Ugh, sorry... I have a huge term paper to write and am super moody, but shouldn't have been so blunt with you. Hope your work lets up soon, and my apologies again.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2013
So you weren't busy? Its fine, just don't twist the truth..
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