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Celldweller, 36 y.o.
Coventry, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 66.
inactive user
You should come back to Interpals! :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2010
well well well
its refreshing to go onto a profile and read some irish lol... not that i know a hole lot. but id love to be fluent!
how are you :D
inactive user
Perving at what? I'm confused...

That's good. No I have an LG :)
inactive user
Shut up! :P

It's going okay thanks, have work tomorrow though :( How's yours going?
inactive user
You don't like Willow! Well I'm sorry but you're crazy! :P
I like dogs too, have 2 boxers - Ali-Louise and Tyson :)
inactive user
You don't like cats! You monster!

Look at my baby Willow in my profile pic and tell me she's not the cutest thing you've ever seen! :O

inactive user
Hehe I have looked for a new one but there is nothing out there :(
Hehe yeah Belfast, you should work for the tourist board. Anywho I better go I got a new kitten and she needs a bit of babysitting. Talk to you later :)

inactive user
Well it's a family business, she's the owners daughter. She always does this to me like, it's so bloody unfair and really ******* annoying. I think that'd be a fun job :)
inactive user
I wanna leave but I need to go back to college in Oct to do my Masters and I need the money to pay for my car :(
Whats the job?
I went 3 weeks ago to speak to her and she told me to go away, I went to speak to her again a week later and she told me she couldn't speak to me and I asked her again and nothing happend. She hates me like.
inactive user
Ah like a student accommodation set up?
Oh well is that easily sorted?
I've to go get some postcards and send lods of letters. Later on we're having a work bbq but don't know if I'll go. They hired a new person and gave all my hours to her and I only got one day so I'm quite pissedoff about it
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