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Carlos, 31 y.o.
Maunabo, Puerto Rico [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
I'll do when I come back because if I do like it I'm going to want to keep watching but I won't be able to because I won't have the internet lol

Chicago is amazing :). I call it my second home haha I'm going to teach French in a high school! I'm currently studying to be a language teacher so I'm gonna teach French and then if I decide to settle somewhere else I'll just teach both French and English. That's kinda why I wanted to do this degree.. I can teach any language with it :D. Oh and sure, you can come visit me! Hopefully I'll still be in France lol

That's sweet of you thanks! I didn't have time to watch the show yet but I'm going to watch it this afternoon :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014

NAAAAA. Ni para tanto xD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
¡Qué bueno! Es lo mejor :)

Sí, casi todos los días lol xD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2014
I See you are making friends. Im so happy :')
inactive user
Lol I figured it wouldn't be. I have a friend who watches the shows I watch and she likes it though so what the hell, I'll just give it a shot!

Nice! I have a friend from New Jersey, she invited me to go, I may go next year :). I've been to NYC and Chicago only but I definitely fell in love with both cities. I had two layovers, one in Detroit and one in DC, does it count? Lol. I definitely want to go to Florida, Orlando to go to Disney World and Miami, California and Louisiana too. I'm going to do an internship in Chicago next year so hopefully I get to go to one of these places!! If you do come to Europe let me know, I'll tell you the places I like the most :).

Aww I loved the video! It's like all the places I like in the world in one place lol I definitely want to go there!!! It looks amazing! And it will be my first time on a facy island haha. I'm gonna watch Anthony Bourdain in Puerto Rico, now I want to know more!
inactive user
I love the rain too and thunderstorms :D. I've heard about Game of Thrones but I've never watched it. It's not really my type of show but apparently both men and women like it so I might give it a shot. I like pretty little liars, switched at birth, devious maids and 2 broke girls :).

Thanks for the video, I'll watch it when I'm on the computer (I'm logged in on my phone which is why I probably appear online 24/7 lol). Where have you been in the US? And where would you like to go?
inactive user
It's really hot here too :/. I hate it, it makes me sick, I like autumn better :). Other than that I'm good thanks, I just took a nap lol and you?
Have you ever been to Paris? I would actually love to go to Puerto Rico. I don't know much about it to be honest with you but it looks like a nice place and they speak English which is a good thing since my Spanish is kinda rusty lol
inactive user
Hey! Thanks! Greetings from Paris :). How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2014
You should haha. It's a great song. Are We There Yet is also a fantastic song, something I can personally relate to because the first verse is all about his mother and her immigration.

Korea's been alright. The typhoons have been a bit crazy but hey now I have some awesome stories to tell involving rain, crazy wind, falling signs, near death, and thunder. :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2014
Freedumb by a Korean-American rap artist Dumbfounded (he goes by Parker now). Cheers.
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