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BenClayton, 34 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
inactive user
Hey Ben! I have been really well actually just getting ready to go back to my university.Nope the earthquake is far from me, im fine lol.That's right your going to Chiba I wish I could go back there it's beautiful but to bad im going to be really busy so I have no time at all to go.=(
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2011
Hello Ben. thx for your comment. but i have to try to study english more :) I'm still novice. and i'm really sorry. it's too late. I'm busy thesedays. because i've prepared for travel where japan.:)
inactive user
Hi, Ben:)
How are you?

Thank you for your comment and your compliments!
I'm not good at English, it takes some time to read, understand and write in English...^^; But I'll do my best!;)

inactive user
haii,ben:) my name is Yumi..
well,thank you.

how are you?:D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2011
have a nice day ,too :)
inactive user
hello ben , my name is akira
& thank you very much for complimenting my english grammar
i do not believe it is very good >.<;;
i hope we become good friends ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2011
Owh. I see ^^
Yeah, every culture is unique :)
Have a nice day too .. ^^

inactive user
hello^^thanks for visiting. I'm always worried my grammar and so I'm not good speaker;(
I wanna talk with you, Ben~;DD

nice to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2011
Yeah, if there's no problem, I will go to China next year.
I'm not sure which one to choose, Taiwan or China.
Because if I'll go to Taiwan, I have to learn the Traditional Character first :)
By the way, which culture do you like the most? Japan?
What make you interested with Asian Culture?
I like Culture too, but sometimes I prefer the foreigner culture :p
sometimes I hope I can speak English everyday, hahaha.

Thanks, Ben.
Have a nice day too :)

inactive user
Thank you for your message on my wall.
nice to meet you ~
I'm from Taiwan!!
How are you!!!
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