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Tree , 33 y.o.

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Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 102.
inactive user
Hey do you happen to have Instagram?
inactive user
inactive user
Oh sorry, I wasn't being specific, I meant your nickname "Green" I read your profile and said your favorite band was called Sodagreen so had to ask if that was the inspiration for your "green" nickname. Speaking of which, I need to you check them out on YouTube. So what are you up to this weekend
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2016
Gene is my nickname, short for Eugene. How many nicknames are you talking about?
You want to get into computer programming. I have a friend who does that for a living. You looking into any specific companies you want to work for. like Google, Yahoo, Oracle, Adobe, Apple etc.
inactive user
Hey Green, what's the dealio. Seriously everyone has all these cool nicknames all I got is "Jon". So did you give yourself that nickname because of your favorite band or is that just coincidence? Well I am Jonathan or Jon for short, just a not so cool dude just living on the east coast and enthusiastic about programming. It's pleasure to meet ya!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2016
hey Beloya_Rot so you got back from Germany, how was it out their? i enjoy traveling and its one of my destinations i plan on going to. I'm interested in learning about your country and culture. if you've got the time to chat.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2016
Hello Green! nice to meet you :)
Your picture is so funny . so cool!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2016
Thanks for the fly-by.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2015
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2015
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