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Annisaa, 28 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 97.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2014
Ahhh.. I'm always be sorry to you :(
I don't have a cellphone. so... hahah...
I thought I don't need to use cellphone in school, so I haven't had it, but these days... I want to talk with friends like you :(
Anyway, I'm sorry. lol.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2014
I miss you too. I hope you have a good time ~
inactive user
Seriusan dek orang solo? Dulu tinggalnya di solo bagian mana? :) hehe aku di Gentan kok~
Duh mario udah lawas dek, chantavit dong hahaha xD udah liat thai movie apa aja? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2014
happy new year =)
inactive user
dulu aku pengumumannya setelah pengumuman hasil UN, jadi ya harus berjuang dulu untuk lulus
inactive user
kamu emang dimana dek?
optimis aja, yang penting usaha:)
sekitar kapan ya, dulu sih aku habis keluar nilai rapot semester 5 bisa daftar kok snmptn, jalur undangan
inactive user
Aku ya sekitar UGM dek, kan merantau haha, aku kos di kaliurang
Iya hehe, minat masuk UGM juga?
inactive user
Halo samasama dek :)
inactive user
Hello there thanks for passing by~ I'm Manda from Solo. A thailand movies^^ i love it too huh.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2013
iya sama sama :)
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