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Zafuli, 36 y.o.
Incheon, South Korea [Current City]
Istanbul, Turkey [Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Graduate degree
Abant İzzet Baysal University


Computer Teacher

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 9 days ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
i dont know how to describe........
by the way......... the world of anime and cosplayer is not in malaysia..
it is in japan.. ^_^
inactive user
u can make it by your own ^_^
if u love asia... then come to asia
inactive user
i see...
if u be a cosplayer........
which anime u want to be?
inactive user
i like cosplay..
sometimes.. here held cosplay competition..
im not entering the competition.. just see it!!
how about turkey????? do turkish love anime too?
inactive user
and i wacthed this sailor moon since im 10 years old...
i just like anime so much!!
im trying to protptype their hair and cloth >_<
inactive user
im also the fans of this stuff!!!!!!!!!!! u know what.. dragon ball is old school anime.. but i like it very much!
so far i had read death not... and dragon ball till end...
naruto have a long story!! i just cant wait!!!!!!!!!
what??????????? u like sailor moon?? hahahaha but it like ladies anime ^_^
inactive user
really!! same with me!
but i stopped playing game these days... too much school stuff must be done... T_T
ussually gamers like anime... did u know anime?
inactive user
owh!!!!!!!!! you are gamers.... i just play the sim only..
do u know the sim game??
u look handsome in the pic...
inactive user
by the way.. what is assassin creed?
inactive user
hahaha... it is fine.....>_<
why not u just upload it here on interpal
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