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LordInfamous, 36 y.o.
Chicago, United States [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 783.
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Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2015
ah no. Zhangjiajie got cancelled? =___=
What's plan 2 ?
Yeah think it'll be fun. probably with my sister and her boyfriend. and maybe my cousin too
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2015
Is hotel too expensive?

Hmm I'm not sure about hostels but hotels in zhangjiajie are freaking expensive.

I might go to Malaysia after golden week. :p
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2015
Rooms for the golden week are filled? That's crazy 0.0

Idk I usually don't travel during that time. but I'm thinking perhaps this year I should travel somewhere coz my birthdays actually near the national day so I might birthday pleasant myself lol
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2015
Yeah I think it's near the korean border. So for me id have to transfer flights plus a long drive to get there =______=

Yeah there's riverboats to go see around the lake at night but not the city. if you wanna see the city at night there's a really good spot called 宝石山 and there's not many people there on weekdays.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
Haha sure. Hangzhou is the best trust me :p
Yeah I haven't been to the north much really. Only 2/3 times. I'm going to dalian next weekend to meet a friend there though :)

I really wanna see 长白山 one day. it's far in the north east in jilin province
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
Yeh been to both. Zhangjiajie was nice :) would've better if there were less people.
and fenghuang is only pretty in pictures hahaha. - Jk. It was alright 0.0 But Hangzhou is better haha
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2015
sounds cool.

Ah that's going to be 10+ days? Why'd you get such a long holiday? So not fair 0.0

yeah maybe if I'm in Hangzhou haha. There's lots to see
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2015
Hmmm.. Hangzhou, hmmm.... My favorite thing to do in thing is rent one of those bikes and take a ride around the west lake. it's fun!

Yeah... But idk. Can't really think of anywhere I can go for the golden week. what's your plans for national holiday?
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