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Woohyeon Lee, 35 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 251.
inactive user
hii ling time no talk^^

wish u a merry xmas.....................
inactive user
ohh im not that stressed hahaha
i dont need much marks for the course i want to get into..
inactive user
well its school holidays here in australia...
but i have to get ready for 수능... which is in 2 weeks... :(
inactive user
ohhhhh it's ok :))
i nearly forgot that i even left a message on your wall xD
how was your day?
inactive user
안녕하세요 ^^
nice to meet you...
how are u??
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2009
Thank you visit to my page, weclome to you !
inactive user
What?? I sent you my message! Maybe this site didn't actually send it. I will rewrite it for you.

I have been doing good; just busy trying to get a lot of things done.
How is 학교?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2009
와~ 훈련있어서 한동안 못 들어왔는데

한번을 안 들어 오네 ~

제대로 실망했다 ㅠ
inactive user
Hello, how are things in South Korea?? :]
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2009
long time no see
how are you ? >.<
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