Displaying posts 1
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of 17.
HI I have tried your email address it does not seem to work. Can you check it and send it again. Thanks nicky
HI I have tried your email address it does not seem to work. Can you check it and send it again. Thanks nicky
I would be happy to write to you. If you want to send me a message with your email address that would be great.
Thanks Nicky
Thanks Nicky
"Sto molto bene" "Buon natale e buon anno nuovo"
If one day you'd like to conversate voice to voice just let me know. Bye Ci sentiamo presto.
If one day you'd like to conversate voice to voice just let me know. Bye Ci sentiamo presto.

Auguri anche a te. Fatti sentire qualche volta che chiaccheriamo un po. Ciao "famiglia"is the right word, bye
Buon Natale, Giuseppe. Tanti auguri a te e alla tua familiglia
Hi I've sent an invitation at skype. I hope you will accept it. Bye
I am well, thank you for asking. And how are you? Come sta lei?
I am well, thank you for asking. And how are you? Come sta lei?
Does anibody want to chat Italian/English via skype. Contact me
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