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Wavesurferx54, 30 y.o.
Asbury Park, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 262.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2013
Hey, still alive? I haven't heard from you in a while! How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2012
I'm glad to hear you're getting by, but I'm really sorry to hear about your boyfriend and you :(. If he caused the break-up, he's an idiot for giving you up; if he didn't protest enough, he's still an idiot ;). Bottom line: he's an idiot ;P. If you ever feel you need somebody to talk to about it, feel free to just shoot me a message or add me on MSN (PM me if you want my MSN) :).
Italy sounds like a bunch of fun! It was probably a ton warmer than in Canada (but then, is there anywhere other than Russia that *isn't* warmer than Canada?). I guess I'm obligated to flood you with questions: Where in Italy did you go? What was your favourite part/food/etc.?
I'm doing fine, thanks for asking :). Finals are in May, and I'm actually looking forward to them (though I have another set of finals in June which should be a piece of cake if I can survive May), since then I'm nearly free :D. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet this summer, but I imagine there'll be a lot of sleeping to catch up on. As for tonight... an essay, an abstract, and an oral. Sounds feasible xD. Talk to you soon :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2011
Well I'm glad to hear you've snagged yourself a boyfriend :). I hate it when you get sick and then have to go to school so that you can catch up... Nowadays, when I get sick, I just...go. It sucks. I hope Grade 11 becomes easier though :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2011
How dare you leave me hanging! ;)
No, I've survived my senior year so far. Things are, as always, hectic, and I have a practice history final coming up soon. Fun. On the upside, I only have 7 months to go... How's grade 11 so far?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2011
hi my friend, how are you ?...i hope you are very good,,,bye bye..kiss
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2011
Well it's great that you enjoyed your summer :). I... had work :(. I needed to write a research paper (which isn't done yet, so I suppose there'll be an all-nighter pulled sometime this/next week...), do some research in a lab (which I enjoyed; I got an internship in a psych. lab), start my university applications (I'm also applying to the US, so I actually have to write essays; in Canada, we just send in our transcripts and we get accepted based on grades/etc.), and survive on a lack of sleep (I think I averaged 7 hours...).
Now I start grade 12 tomorrow, and I can't tell if I'm looking forward to it or not. I guess I'll let you know when I've actually gone, because that's probably when I'll know.
I'm glad you survived the hurricane. I'm also jealous that school starts on the 12th for you. Wanna switch? ;)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2011
Wow, it's been so long since we've talked. How've things been on your end? Has school started for you yet? I hope you've enjoyed the summer, though I bet your sumnmer is way hotter than ours :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2011
Hey how are you :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2011
h carol, i hope you're really fine,giirl Regarding the comment is truth,,,you have the eyes most cute that I've seen before,Excuse me for having written in spanish but i don't have world in english for say you As I liked it..

,wou interesting your possible careers,if you ask me for a advise,,i coud say you i like chemistry,,,before,,i want to study chemistry..i think is very interesting in this moment,,but you oght to choose one,the mos t importan for you..

what can you tell me of you're life, ?,,,a big hug,,,bye bye,,wait wait wait,,,this is for you,,,:)
( -.-)
(,(")(") ¤°

Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2011
hi carol....pretty name..nice to meet you.i'm really fine,,thank you.well do yu study or work?,,,well i study electromechanical Engineering and i wor on nematic and hydraulic
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