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Vinay, 35 y.o.
Bengaluru, India [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 148.
inactive user
Yes things are going great here :) thanks for asking! The weather is chilly but not too cold yet :) what about there?
inactive user
great thanks :D how are you
inactive user
i am doing gud...wat abt u..
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2010
haha yea, winter jacket is a good invention at this time of year :D! i'm still lacking winter boots tho, my toes are freezing everytime i step out of my house :D! is it cold in there ? : )
nothing new, just school school friends friends haha : D!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2010
hellow !
sorry for my late reply D:
how have you been?
it's really cold in Finland right now :c
inactive user
My name is adrian...right now I am working in a clothing store and attending college...what about you?
inactive user
Yeah, nothing big. I haven't been able to finish it though. I gotta go. It's late over here. :D Write you latter.
inactive user
I prefer fantasy. Something with lots of unlikely things.
inactive user
Sure :) what's your name?
inactive user
Yeah, hopefuly one day soon I'll continue writting some more. Which genre do you prefer?
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