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Miguel v, 32 y.o.
Dallas, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 760.
inactive user
kionda miguel que andas haciendo wey que dicen las mamis wey
inactive user
kionda miguel que andas haciendo wey que dicen las mamis wey
inactive user
Nothing at all is new with you, after so long? Haha that's a bit strange.
I'm homeschooled & it sucks lol.
Hows you?
inactive user
So i see..
Lol i don't know what you already know about me.
Whats new with you?

Lol yeah.. Long time!
inactive user
Ah, yeah i remember you. But you never come online.
I've been alright thanks, you? :D
inactive user
Thank you.
Merry Christmas to you too.
inactive user
Ooohh sounds good. How was Mexico?
inactive user
You took ages too reply XD.

Everything is okay i guess, what about you?
inactive user

I miss talking to ya!

Hows you? x
inactive user
haven't talked to you in a while :DDD
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