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Oskar, 31 y.o.
Stockholm, Sweden [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
Try El Secreto de sus Ojos instead ;) It is an Argentinian movie :) If still you prefer Japanese, I'd recommend The Disappaear=askjlk I don't know how to say desaparecimento in English lol The Desaparecimento of Haruhi Suzumiya
inactive user
Thanks :D
inactive user
Hi!! I want to communicate with you*-*
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2014
The country is really good! It's easy to travel by buss and train wherever you want to go. During summers there are alot of things happening in the capital city and the parties are great!
If you visit Sweden you have to go to Stockholm! You must see IKEA in Kungens Kurva (largest IKEA in the whole world), Gröna Lund which is a amusement place and also the shopping!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2014
What's the country like?
What I can't miss if I go there?
Thanks by the way...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2014
Hi..I'm also want some friends from other country.
I never been to Sweden and I would like to know things about Sweden :)
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