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Usershin, 40 y.o.
Daegu, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
If you have some songs to recommend tell me~
Actually my name is Rossella, but Rossy is the short form and everyone calls me like that :p
Nice to meet you too...don't know you name XD
inactive user
How are you? :D
I really like Park Hyo Shin's song you put here *-*
inactive user
Its not as bad as you think. I'm still sort of new to it myself, but its so much fun!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010

내가 Poch입니다.

무엇이 당신의 이름이 뭐죠?

만나서 반갑습니다.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2010
i know this reply is reeeeally late shin i thought i had replied but i guess not XP
so what about those pictures? i finally decided to take a world tour in a couple of months so i would like to see them, i might even be at the same locations hahah who knows^^
how have you been?
inactive user
hey, just dropping by to say hello.
i still remember you :)
inactive user
hey chingu,
where are you hiding eh?
missing your news.
inactive user
hi Shin,
nope, it did not occur to me at all that you chose ROTC simply because of the salary/pay.
i was merely sharing my thoughts, it would be a better choice to choose ROTC than to serve in the army, for, being a ROTC you're not restricted in movement .
being a ROTC, you're a paid worker, wherelse serving in the army, you're under obligations and must be subjected to all the uniformity and rigid orders!!!

hahahahahaha......nope, i'll remember for life, your challenge!!!
do warn me before hand so that i'll be prepared :P:P

oh, you'd got yourself a job in an english academy, that's good.
yeap, it'll be a real advantage for you to improve in your english skills, a good opportunity indeed.
make the best of it.

hey, it's nice to spend quality time with your parents.
i like board games but have never played, go! stop!
from what i checked out, it's something like poker, collection of a same set of cards and whoever collects all will win, yes?
i like to play scrabble, mind boggle, mastermind, monopoly and some card games.
maybe, one fine day, you'll teach me how to play your go! stop! game :D

enjoy your work and do tell me all about it.
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you then.
inactive user
helloooooooooooooo Shin,
a very good evening to you.
did you have a good dinner?

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh..... i'm very afraid now.
your 'warning' comes rather early and i'm not prepared yet!!
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease spare me, i do beg of you, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :P

araso, thanks for your explanations.
i do understand a little now, what this ROTC is about, though not fully.
if one is given a chance to serve in the army with pay, i think i'll opt for this than to serve the mandatory 28 months!!
not so rigid and torturous, don't you think so?

no problem, i can always ask another chingu of mine concerning this ROTC for he works in the military.
you did a good job with your explanations, so, no worries.
hey, tomorrow is the weekend and what are your plans?
inactive user
morning, morning Shin :)
nah.... need not be jealous the least bit, you'll definitely catch up one fine day and be a master in english.
so, aja aja fighting!!!

hehehe...... right now, i'm literally shaking in my pants, fearful of your challenge :P
oh, please do spare me the agony of a challenge or duel in english when you're a pro, okay???

araso.. sentimental over your military comrades and experiences, thus, comes the occasional visits to them.
yeap, a good way of keeping in touch and be updated of the latest military news and happenings.

do pardon my ignorance, what does ROTC stand for?
kindly explain, would like to know and learn too.
kam sa hamnidda.
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